Spot Money SA Complaints Process

The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act stipulates that all complaints must be lodged in writing and must contain all relevant information pertaining to your complaint.

Spot Money SA pre-paid card complaints

If your complaint relates to your Spot Money SA pre-paid card, please email your complaint to

The Spot Money SA Support Agent will contact you (on the contact details you provide) to let you know that we have received your complaint and will be investigating if for you. You will be given a unique reference number.

The Spot Money SA Support Agent will keep in touch with you regarding progress until we have resolved the issue and you are satisfied.

Banking Services Ombudsman

You also have the option of contacting the Banking Services Ombudsman to lay an official complaint.

  • To apply for assistance from the Ombudsman, you first need to fill out the official You can download the form from
  • The banking environment will be covered by the Ombudsman for Banking Services, and the credit environment by the Credit
  • For the contact details of the Ombudsman call 0860 800 900 or 0860 662 837 or email the Ombudsman at
  • The Ombudsman will then engage with Spot Money SA regarding your

National Credit Regulator 

Should your complaint be NCA-related and you’re not satisfied with the way we’ve dealt with it you can contact the National Credit Regulator on 0860 627 627 or

Spot Money SA Head Office 

You can also send your complaint directly to the Spot Money SA Head Office. Please email your complaint to

Spot Money SA Management reviews all complaints lodged to ensure that continuous improvement initiatives are implemented to avoid previous problems reoccurring.

