Your Money,
Your Rules

Easy payments, zero fees, rewards that matter.

Fast, Safe,
Social Payments.

Get Paid. Shop. Get Rewarded. All in one app.

Fast, Safe, Social Payments

One App, All Things Money

Get paid faster, send money securely, unlock free airtime and more, all in one place.

Get paid faster, send money securely, unlock free airtime and more, all in one place.

Get Paid

Instant, free payments so you get your money fast.

Spend Together

Save for shared expenses with free group accounts.

Skip the Fees

No monthly account or card transaction fees.

Instant Rewards

Stay connected with Airtime Rewards on every purchase.


Free, Instant,
Payments with $moneytag

Free, instant,
payments with $moneytag

With $moneytag, getting paid is as easy as sending a WhatsApp. No more sharing personal or banking details. Just social payments made easy!

Free Airtime Rewards

Earn up to 10% back in free airtime with every purchase.

Meaning you save on your data costs & have more cash in your pockets!


Do Life together

Do Life Together

Bought the group a round? Get paid back. Big life change? Try a Group Account. However you spend — Spot is all you need.

For Everything Else, There's Mastercard

Get your Spot debit card and spend the money in your Spot account anywhere Mastercard is accepted.


Security & support
you can trust

Get in touch with a real human directly in the app, WhatsApp or via email.

Spot debit cards are issued under licence from Mastercard.

Banking in partnership with Bidvest Bank Limited, an authorised FSP and credit provider.

Join over

100,000 people
already on Spot

Get Paid.
Get Spot.

Get Paid. Get Spot.

Spot app is an offering by Spot Money SA (Pty) Ltd (2005/016196/07) in association with Bidvest Bank Ltd (2000/006478/06), an authorised FSP and credit provider.

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